Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Dreams nightmare continues

They obviously weren't going to ring again so I had to spend another half hour listening to the piano and the announcements on the 0844 number before I got hold of another Scot. This time a girl named Kim. My previous phone call was recorded on her system but I still had to explain everything again.

First she said that the sprung slats were £40 extra and she would have to ring the store to see what I ordered. I told her that her colleague (Ross, she informed me) had promised to ring back but had only managed one of those silent calls that satisfies the CRM system and drives customers mad and she promised to ring me back and wait for me to answer.

She did ring back and the story now is that the Roma only comes with solid slats and has no pre drilled holes to allow the fitting of sprung slats so they aren't an option and she can't send me any. I'll have to open the box now to confirm this but obviously I don't believe her. She said she's looked at the instructions and also the people in the store confirm that I couldn't possibly have seen sprung slats on the bed in the store, I must have imagined it. She says I'm welcome to go in and check - yeah, like they won't be changing them as I write this. I've already spent an hour and a half hanging on the phone and talking to people who will tell me anything to get rid of me and they think I'm now going to drive all over there for another argument in person. As if.

I asked if I was the only person to buy a Roma bed and notice that the slats were solid and not sprung as advertised on the internet. She said I was. She also said that since I didn't buy the bed from the misleading internet, but in store, she was unable to do anything for me except perhaps sell me a different bed.

She said that Ross had the wrong number on the system which is why he didn't phone. I said that he did phone the correct number but hung up as I answered and she mumbled something I didn't catch. Perhaps the people who record the call for training purposes will understand what she said.

I don't want the bed now and intend to get my money back, so it doesn't make a lot of difference but I would love to hear from anybody who has a Roma bed with sprung slats.

If getting my money back is half as stressful as trying to get them to supply what I ordered you'll be hearing from me again. Meanwhile, pleasant Dreams.

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